Продажа квартир в г. Киев Продажа квартир в г. Киев Купить квартиру по адресу: Краснопольская ул., 2В, Киев, Ветряные Горы, Подольский район Купить квартиру по адресу: Краснопольская ул., 2В, Киев, Ветряные Горы, Подольский район

Продажа квартиры 5 050 000 $ USD, € EUR, руб RUB - продам 3 комнатную квартиру 64 кв.м: Краснопольская ул., 2В, Киев, Ветряные Горы, Подольский район

  • Цена: 5 050 000 грн
  • Цена $: 125 000$
  • Комнат: 3
  • Общая площадь: 64 кв.м
  • Жилая площадь: 39 кв.м
  • Площадь кухни: 10 кв.м
  • Этаж: 20
  • Этажность: 27
  • Балконов: 1
  • Высота потолка: 2,7 м
  • Состояние: отличное
  • Материал стен: пеноблок
  • Тип дома: Новострой
  • Дней на сайте: 300
  • Обновлено: 25.02.2025
  • Код: 86273

3К 64/39/10м2 Є-квартира ремонт техніка ЖК Паркова Вежа Краснопільська Виноградар Подільський
— Київ, вулиця Краснопільська – Перемишильська, Подільський район, ЖК «Паркова Вежа».- Якісне рішення для комфортного проживання без вкладень, все є;- Продається готова квартира перепланована з ремонтом з меблями, можливо по програмі Є-Оселя (будинок 2015 року);- 3-кімнатна квартира 63,7 м2 3К: 39,0 (15,1/11,9/12,0) м2 - коридор/кухня: 10,0 м2 - вбиральня: 5,3 м2;- 20-й поверх 27-ти поверхового будинку, рік побудови: 2015;— Опалення та гаряча вода від котельні на даху будинку;— Мережа, що проводиться: Internet 1 Gb, TV, електромережа-мідь (нова), електро пакети на кожну кімнату.- Підлога: паркетна дошка натуральна (дуб), плитка на кухні, коридорі;- Кухня: активна вентиляція; іспанська кахельна плитка, меблі з натурального ясеня блакитного кольору;- Шафи з німецькою фурнітурою, газова плита Electrolux 5 конфорок, витяжка над плитою Best;- Велика електрична духовка Samsung (з можливістю роздільного приготування їжі);- Раковина Franko, посудомийна машина, вбудований фільтр зворотного осмосу на воду з виведеним краном;на миття для пиття води; стільниця та підвіконня зі штучного каменю; кондиціонер;- Ванна: душова кабіна; іспанська кахельна плитка (стіни та підлога), активна вентиляція.- Туалет: іспанська кахельна плитка (стіни та підлога), німецька сантехніка;- магістральні труби холодної та гарячої води - нові (метало-пластик), бойлер на 100 літрів Ariston;- водний фільтр на всю квартиру, активна вентиляція;- Хол: вбудована дзеркальна шафа-купе з натурального ясеня;- Балкон-лоджія: розширений за рахунок виносу, пів-плитка, склопакети;- Вікна: скло пакети металопластикові двокамерні;- Двері та арки з натурального ясена; всі стіни прикрашені італійськими миючими шпалерами;- У передпокої вбудовано дзеркальну шафу-купе для роздягання, освітлення LED;— Стіна, що зовні контактує з вулицею – утеплена.- Охоронна система сигналізації ДСО;- Перед квартирний майданчик на дві квартири має додаткові двері;- Дві кімнати та кухня обладнані кондиціонерами;- Розташована за адресою: Мостицький масив, Подільський район, Київ, Виноградар, вулиця Наталії Ужвій;- Поруч знаходяться: магазин Фора, Сільпо Орнамент, аптеки, парк, ліс;- Будується станція метро Мостицька, 10 хвилин до метро Мінська/Почайна на транспорті;— Через дорогу – поліклініка, пологовий будинок, церква;


















Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement

Between Dated:

Miss Mariia Taratorina

Miss Mishel-Anastasiia Kyryllova



Vertus 10 George Street Limited





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This agreement sets out the conditions of your tenancy. You should read it carefully to make sure it includes everything you need to know and nothing that you are not prepared to agree to. If you are not sure about something in this agreement, you should get independent legal advice before you sign it.


Table of Contents


SCHEDULE 2 – GENERAL CLAUSES............... 4








SCHEDULE 10 – THE DEPOSIT................... 16


SCHEDULE 12 – SIGNATURES.................. 17


and details of which will be notified to you in writing.


One “calendar” month (for example, 2 January -  1 February, or 4 February  - 3 March).

Our permission

If the agreement states you need our permission to do something, you must ask us to give you our permission in writing and our permission will only be deemed given where done so in writing.


Each entity who enters into a binding agreement with one or more other contracting parties.

Stakeholder for Deposit

We or the managing agent can only take money from your deposit at the end of the tenancy if you agree, or unless a county court decides that we can.




The Dispute Service – the Government deposit scheme we have selected for this tenancy.


the tenancy created under this agreement and any statutory periodic tenancy arising under section 5(2) of the Housing Act 1988 or any contractual periodic tenancy that arises after the Term has expired.

Tenant, you, your

This means the named tenant to this agreement and for the avoidance of doubt does not include any of the named Lawful Occupiers

The Building

The building known as 10 George Street and of which the Premises form part

The Premises

The apartment know as Apartment 2007, 10 George Street, Canary

Wharf, London, E14 9RS


\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Definitions

We need to use some legal terms in this agreement. By providing this list of definitions we aim to help explain some terms that you may find in this tenancy agreement.





The facilities provided at the Building by the Landlord for the communal use of the occupiers of the Building, as may be varied from time to time


Any of the furniture, furnishings, carpets, sanitary ware (toilet bowls, cisterns, baths, basins, showers and other fittings), decorative features, electrical equipment, other equipment or any floor, ceiling or wall supplied by the Landlord (and which includes anything listed in the Inventory (see below)


The money you pay to and which is held by the Landlord or Managing Agent in case you fail to keep to any of the terms of this agreement. This can include monies held by the Managing Agent being the sum of


Energy Performance Certificate

a certificate as defined in regulation 2(1) of the EPC Regulations.



Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/3118).


The Canary Wharf estate


The document attached to this agreement and showing details of our fixtures, fittings, furnishings, equipment at the Premises and which details the condition of the Premises as at the date of this agreement We will rely on the Inventory at the end of the tenancy to assess any damage (other than reasonable wear and tear), so you should check it carefully at the start of the tenancy.

Landlord, we, us

This means the person or people who own the Premises.

Lawful Occupants

Means those persons listed in Schedule 9 or as otherwise notified to the Landlord pursuant to clause 49 of schedule 3.

Managing Agent

Vertus Residential Management Limited – or such other managing agent responsible for the management of the building that the Landlord may appoint from time to time at the Landlord’s sole discretion





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Notice is hereby given to the Tenant under Section 48 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 and is acknowledged by the Tenant that the address in England and Wales at which notices (including notices in proceedings) may be served on the Landlord by the Tenant is Vertus Residential Management Limited, One  Canada Square,  Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AB


This agreement dated:

1.                   The Parties:


“The Landlord”

Vertus 10 George Street Limited “The Landlord Address”

One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AB and

“The Tenant(s)”

Miss Mariia Taratorina “Tenants Address”

Suffolk Lane by Bridge Street Apartments, 2 Suffolk Lane,

London, EC4R 0AT


“The Tenant(s)”

Miss Mishel-Anastasiia Kyryllova “Tenants Address”

24, 24 Michurina, Kyiv, 01014


2.                   The Landlord lets and the tenant takes The Premises

known as

Apartment 2007, 10 George Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 9RS

3.                        The term of the tenancy:


Beginning on: 07/10/2022 Ending on: 06/10/2023


4.                        The rent:


The rent equal to £ 900.00 per week, or £46,800.00 per annum is payable in Yearly instalments, in advance on or before the 1st day of each month.


All rent payments are payable on the 1st day of the month and therefore your first and last payment may differ due to pro rata calculations.  Where the start date of your Tenancy is before the 20th of the month, then your first instalment of rent will be the monthly rent multiplied by the number of tenanted days in the month divided by the number of days in the month.

Where the start date of your Tenancy falls on or after the 20th of the month then you will pay the sum of one month’s rent plus the sum representing the monthly rent multiplied by the number of tenanted days in the month the Tenancy is entered into divided by the number of days in that month. For example, if a Tenancy completes on 18 October, you will pay rent for the period 18 October – 31 October and 1 November – 30 November.


You must pay the rent to the following bank account by direct debit:


Bank Name: Barclays Bank PLC

Account Name: Vertus Residential Management Ltd – Client Account

Account Number: 93206106

Sort Code: 20-00-00


5.                   The Deposit


You must pay a deposit of £4500.00 when you sign this agreement (or before, if we have asked you to). The deposit will be held by Vertus Residential Management as Stakeholder and any interest accrued will be paid to us.




The tenant(s) will jointly purchase the Zero Deposit Guarantee as a substitute for the 5 week deposit. Such ZDG must be in place prior to the execution of this agreement


6.                       Managing Agents Name:


Vertus Residential Management Ltd

Address: Vertus Residential Management Limited, One Canada Square, London, E14 5AB.




1.                   Housing Act 1988


This agreement is for an assured shorthold tenancy as defined in Section 19A of the Housing Act 1988 as amended by the Housing Act 1996. Section 21 of this Act sets out the conditions under which we can take the Premises back.


2.                   Our address for serving notices


Section 48 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 says we must give you an address where you can serve a notice (or notices) on us if you need to in relation to this agreement. Please use our managing agent’s address shown in schedule 1 clause 8, or our address in schedule 1 clause 1 if we do not use a managing agent.





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3.                   Serving of Notices


If either we or you serve a notice under this agreement, we will treat it as being served properly if it is delivered by hand or sent by recorded or registered delivery or by first class post. It will be assumed it has been received two working days after the date it was posted whichever postal method is used; if it is delivered by hand, it will be assumed it has been received on the day of delivery unless it is delivered after 5pm, in which case it will be treated as being served on the next working day. If a notice is not served properly it will not be valid.

We will serve notice on you using Vertus Residential Management Ltd, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AB. Notices served by the Managing Agent on behalf of the Landlord may be treated as having been served by the Landlord.


4.                   General Data Protection Regulations


The Landlord and the Tenant agree that the Landlord and/or the Managing Agent may collect and process personal information for the purposes of managing the Premises in accordance with the terms of the Landlord’s GDPR policy (as available https://www.thisisvertus.com/media/0obhznja/0892_cwg

_vertus_general-privacy-notice.pdf and as updated or amended from time to time. In this capacity they may share personal data with utility suppliers, local authorities, any credit agencies, reference agencies, legal advisers, contractors and for debt collection agents, or to any third party with an interest in the Premises which includes but is not limited to block managers, concierges or porters, or managing agents of a building of which the Premises forms part and developers or their representatives.


5.                   Letting


The Landlord lets the Premises to the Tenant for the agreed Term. This agreement is assured shorthold tenancy created under Part 1 of Chapter II of the Housing Act 1988 .


If the Landlord allows the Tenant to remain in the Premises after the Term has expired then a statutory periodic tenancy shall arise under section 5(2) of the Housing Act 1988. To end the periodic tenancy, the Tenant shall give the Landlord at least one month's notice in writing. The notice must end on the day before the rent is due.


The Landlord has the right to recover possession of the Premises if:


(a)                 The Term has expired;


(b)                the Landlord has given two months' notice to the Tenant of the Landlord's intention to recover possession of the Premises; and

(c)                 at least six months have passed since the date of this agreement.


6.                   Incentives


Where an incentive is agreed as part of the terms of this agreement, should the tenant vacate the Premises or serve notice such that the agreement comes to an end prior to the end of the fixed Term the Landlord may recover the value of the incentive (as shall be agreed between the parties, acting reasonably and properly) from the Deposit. Where such amount cannot be recovered from the Deposit the tenant should arrange payment within 30 days of vacating the Premises. It is agreed between the parties that the value of the Incentive is £0.00


7.                   Taken Sight Unseen


It is noted and acknowledged that the Tenant has requested that they be granted a Tenancy on a “sight unseen” basis and/or that the Tenant has not visited the Premises in person. The Tenant therefore unequivocally agrees that if a Tenancy is completed that they will accept the apartment, its aspect and location, the furniture, fixtures, fittings, appliances, contents, carpets and condition of the Premises, however so defined, together with the decorative order both internally and externally ’as provided’ and or as detailed on the Inventory AND that the Tenant shall not raise any question or query over the same.


Items shown in marketing photographs or videos are NOT included unless specifically mentioned in writing within the Reservation agreement offer and tenancy agreement.

They may however be available by separate negotiation. Computer Generated Images and photos are indicative only and cannot be guaranteed to represent the completed details of the development.



The Tenant agrees to the following:


1.                   Rent


To pay the Rent in advance as set out in Schedule 1 clause 4 and for the avoidance of doubt the first instalment of the rent shall be made on the date of this agreement and shall be the proportion, calculated on a daily basis, in respect of the period beginning on the date of this agreement and ending on and including the day before the next rent payment date.


2.                   Late Payments


To pay interest at 0.75% over the base rate of Barclays Bank plc (which we work out each day) on any rent you





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owe which is more than 14 days late. If the landlord charges the interest, you will pay interest from the date you should have paid the rent until the date you actually pay.


3.                   Not to withhold rent


3.1                Not to withhold your rent or any other amounts due under this agreement just because we or our managing agent are holding your Deposit. The Tenant acknowledges that any monies due from it under the terms of this agreement shall be treated as Rent.


3.2                To comply with the obligations set out in this Agreement and not to withhold payment to the Landlord on the grounds that the Landlord has the benefit of ZDG in substitution for the Cash Deposit.


4.                   Bank Charges


To pay any bank charges we are charged by our bank if your cheque, direct debit or standing order is cancelled or not paid for any reason.


5.                   Council Tax


Save where advised by the Landlord or the Managing Agent that it will attend to the same., to register with the council tax department or any other relevant office of the local authority as to liability to pay council tax for the Term of the Tenancy including liability attaching to any Lawful Occupiers.


6.                   Transfer and pay water, electricity and council tax charges


You must register (in your name) with Community Utilities (Amber Energy) (or such other energy service provider appointed by the landlord from time to time and notified to you) and pay all charges for electricity, water, heating and cooling (including any standing charges), council tax (and sewerage companies, where this applies) consumed at the Premises for the Term of the Tenancy. When your Tenancy ends, you must arrange for the utility companies to take final meter readings for these services (or provide those to them direct) but do not ask the companies to cut the supply off. You will be responsible for settling any unpaid accounts.  Where the Tenant allows, by default or lack of specific instruction, the utility or other services to be cut off, the Tenant shall pay the costs associated with reconnection or resuming those services.


Whilst Community Utilities (Amber Energy) (or a replacement provider) is appointed by the landlord, the landlord will procure and pay for electricity, water, heating and cooling (including any standing charges) and waste water on your behalf and also arrange payment of council

tax. The landlord will bill you for the associated costs, either directly or indirectly by using an agent, in full accordance with relevant legislation and regulation. The payments shall be made by direct debit or by such other method that the landlord may require at any time by giving You reasonable notice.


7.                   Changing Suppliers or installing pre-payment meters


Not to install any coin operated, prepaid card, smart prepayment meter, or key operated meter at the Premises. The Tenant may request via that Managing Agent to change electricity and/or gas suppliers during the Term of their Tenancy (but it is acknowledged that there is no obligation on the Managing Agent to consent to such change but it shall act reasonably in considering any such request).


8.                   Broadband


Virgin Broadband (or such other Broadband service provider appointed by the landlord from time to time and notified to You) up to 350mb will be included within the monthly rental payment; you will need to register with the provider in order to use this service.


9.                   Bring Me Box


Bring Me Box parcel handling services will be used in order to receive parcels; you will need to register with Bring Me Box in order to use this service and comply with their terms of service (including as to the frequency of use and sizes of parcel and including terms of collection of the parcels by you). Bring Me Box and/or the Landlord and/or the Managing Agent may suspend the Tenant’s use of the Bring Me Box services where those are being used outside of the Landlord’s usual expectations for a residential/domestic delivery service.

The Managing Agent will share your personal information with Bring Me Box for the purposes of setting up and operating your Bring Me Box account. By signing this agreement, you consent to this transfer of information taking place. For more information on how your data is handled by Vertus please see our privacy policy, using this address https://thisisvertus.com/media/0obhznja/0892_cwg_vert us_general-privacy-notice.pdf.

10.                Costs


You must repay our reasonable legal and other costs (including all and any Value Added Tax) if we take any action against you for not paying any amounts you owe or if you do not meet any of your other responsibilities listed in this agreement.





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11.                Cleaning Windows


You must clean, or have cleaned, all the windows you can reasonably reach on the Premises (inside and out) at least once a month and within the last 14 days of the end of the Term.


12.                Replace broken glass


You must promptly report any broken glass to management as soon as reasonably possible. The costs of making good any breakages that are deemed malicious or intentional will be payable by you. For the avoidance of doubt, you shall not replace any broken glass in external windows. The landlord will replace any such broken glass as soon as reasonably practicable following notification and will recharge you where appropriate. Those monies will be recoverable as rent.


13.                Replace light bulbs


You must report any faulty bulbs, lights or fuses to the Landlord or any Managing Agent in a reasonable timeframe. The cost of replacing light bulbs is the responsibility of the tenant; we can organise for these to be replaced on your behalf with a pre agreed cost.


14.                Taking care of the Premises


You must keep the inside of the Premises and all Contents fixtures and fittings in good and clean condition and act in a tenant like manner. (This does not include reasonable wear and tear).


15.                Drains


You are responsible for unblocking and keeping all drains, toilet bowls, cisterns, basins, baths, showers, water pipes and ducts (and other fittings you have reasonable access to) free from blockages. Any blockages must be reported to the Landlord and/or any Managing Agent as soon as reasonably possible. Any cost for repairing damages may be passed to you if damage is caused by Tenant misuse or negligence.


16.                Qualified contractors


Any minor decorations or repairs must be formally approved by the Landlord or Managing Agent and be conducted by an appropriately qualified and insured contractor. Any costs incurred in the making good of damage caused by unapproved contractors may be recovered from you, as rent.


17.                Report Faults


To report any faults within the Premises or common areas to the Landlord and/or any Managing Agent within a

reasonable time frame of your becoming aware of the same.


18.                Allow us access to your home


During the tenancy, as long as we give you at least 24 hours’ notice in writing (which may include email) (except in an emergency), you must allow us or our employees into the Premises to:


a)     inspect the condition and state of repair of the Premises;


b)     carry out repair, alterations, or maintenance to the Premises or the premises next door;


c)     during the last two months of the tenancy show the Premises to potential new tenants;

d)     carry out any other reasonable activity including building work;


e)     carry out legal responsibilities as the Landlord;


f)      take gas, electricity or water meter readings;


g)     for any purposes mentioned in this agreement or connection with our interest in the Premises or the Building;


h)     to show prospective tenants or purchasers around the Premises.


If after an inspection under clause 18 above we find the Premises or its contents to be in disrepair you may be asked to rectify these faults within a reasonable time frame, we can offer to arrange these on your behalf, with a pre agreed cost


We have the right to retain a set of keys to the Premises, but those will only be used with your prior consent, or in an emergency.


We can display a “for sale” or “to let” sign at the Premises in the last two months of the Tenancy.

19.                Regulations for shared areas and the Estate You must keep to the regulations for managing the

shared areas of any building you live in with other people

and the Estate. We have attached a copy of the current regulations to this agreement. We reserve the right to make new regulations from time to time, acting in what we consider to be the best interest of the Building and the development of which it forms part. We will provide you with detail of Estate wide regulations as issued from time to time.





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20.                Not to overload electrical circuits


You must not overload the electrical circuits by using inappropriate multi-socket electrical adaptors or extension cables when connecting appliances to the mains.


21.                Check smoke alarms


You must regularly test any smoke alarms (which use batteries) fitted in the Premises and replace any battery in an alarm which you find is not working. If you are unable to reach an alarm or replace the battery you must contact the Landlord and/or any Managing Agent as soon as reasonably possible to arrange for it to be checked for you.


22.                Prevent condensation


You must take reasonable care to heat and ventilate the Premises to help prevent condensation. If there is condensation, you must wipe it down and clean any surfaces when necessary to prevent mould building up or damage to the Premises and its fixtures and fittings.


23.                Rubbish and storage


You must remove all rubbish from the Premises by putting it in black bin bags or recycling bags and put it in the rubbish chutes found in the communal hallway of each floor. Please ensure that you are using the correct option for the type of rubbish disposed.


24.                Insurance


We do not provide any cover under any insurance policy arranged by us for damage to your personal belongings or valuables. Nor do we provide cover for claims against you from other parties for damage to property or personal injury that results from something you have or have not done. You should arrange insurance for these risks yourself.


25.                How you can use the Premises


You must not use the Premises or the Building for anything illegal or immoral.


You must not use the Premises or the Building for any registered or trade business.

You must only use the Premises for residential purposes (as a private dwelling house) and by the Lawful Occupiers. You must not do anything at the Premises which would invalidate any insurance which we have taken out.

26.                Not to change locks


You must not change or install any locks on any doors or windows at the Premises or the Building, or have any extra keys cut for any locks without our permission in writing. If you lose the keys to the Premises or the Building, you must pay us any costs to supply and fit replacement locks.


27.                Not to alter the Premises


You must not change the inside or outside of the Premises in any way apart from decorating the inside of the Premises to a good standard (which decoration must be carried out by an appropriately qualified and insured contractor; this may be arranged via the Managing Agent, at the Tenant’s cost, should the Tenant wish). Any  changes or decoration must be reinstated and made good at the end of the tenancy  and  any  damages caused by such works may be payable by you.


28.                Not to damage the Premises


You must not damage the Premises or the Building or allow anyone else to damage them. You must advise us of any damage to the Premises or the Building so that we can make repairs.


29.                Not to damage installations


You must not do anything to the electrical, lighting, hot water or heating installations or fixtures or any of the kitchen units and appliances or sanitary fittings or any other fixtures and fittings. You must not remove these items from the Premises or the Building and shall not install any new hot water or heating installations to the Premises.


30.                Not transferring your legal rights


You must not transfer this tenancy to anyone else or take in lodgers, sublets, give up or share any part of the premises within the first six months of the tenancy. If you wish to do any of the above after the first six months you must first get managements permission. An application can be made to management with the names of the parties who wish to leave or join your tenancy.

Referencing will be undertaken, and a new agreement will be signed by all parties. No party must take up occupation until the new agreement has been executed. You will continue to be responsible for all your responsibilities in this agreement until a new agreement has been signed which details the transfer to someone else. The Landlord reserves the right to refuse a change of sharer request. For the avoidance of doubt, you shall not underlet or share occupation of the premises with any third party

You may only allow the Premises to be used and occupied by the Lawful Occupiers.  You may not deal in any other way with your interest in the Premises.





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You must immediately notify the Landlord if the immigration status of any of the Lawful Occupiers changes from that recorded in Schedule 9 and not permit anyone other than the Lawful Occupiers to occupy the Premises without the prior written consent of the Landlord.


The Tenant shall not assign, sublet, part with or share possession of the whole or any part of the Premises.


31.                Empty Premises


You must not leave the Premises empty for any continuous period of more than 14 days, without telling us first. If you plan to leave the Premises empty for more than 14 days, you must leave a key with the Landlord and/or Managing Agent in case there is an emergency and we need to get into the Premises.


32.                Nuisance and noise


You must not do anything at the Premises or the Building (including playing any radio, television or musical instrument) which causes a nuisance to or annoys us or your neighbours or which might reasonably be considered to be antisocial behaviour. In particular, you must not play any music which can be heard outside the Premises between 11.00pm and 8.30am.

You may not use the Premises for any short-term let or room rental scheme (for example Airbnb or other similar occupation).


33.                Harassment


You and anyone visiting your Premises must not harass anyone for any reason so that anyone in the Building is offended and cannot live or work there peacefully.  We will not tolerate any rude or antisocial behaviour (whether verbal or physical) towards any staff, other residents, contractors or visitors to the Premises or the Building, nor any form of discrimination.


34.                Not place notices on the Premises


You must not place any sign or poster on the Premises which can be seen from the outside.


35.                Not fix an aerial or satellite dish


You must not fix any aerial or satellite dish on the Premises or the Building or install cable television or telephone cables without first getting our or our Managing Agent’s permission in writing. If we or our Managing Agent give you our permission you must pay all costs involved (including removing an aerial or dish at the end of the tenancy) and the reasonable costs of making good any damage or redecorating, if necessary.

36.                Not fix blinds to windows


You must not fix blinds to the windows of the Premises unless we or our Managing Agent have already given you our permission in writing. If we or our Managing Agent do give our permission, we may ask you to remove the blinds and repair any damage (at your cost) at the end of the tenancy Term.


37.                Animals and pets


Not to keep at the Premises any pets or animals without the consent of the Landlord or the Managing Agent. Such consent may be withdrawn upon giving reasonable notice.


38.                Our Contents


You must not remove the furniture, equipment and belongings shown in the Inventory from the Premises without getting our or our Managing Agent’s permission in writing first.


39.                Shared areas


You must not block any shared passageways, hallways and staircases, or keep any bicycle, pushchair or other item in any shared area of the Building without first getting our or our Managing Agent’s permission in writing. You must not block any areas within the Premises so as to cause a fire or other health & safety risk.


40.                Balconies


You are not allowed to:


40.1                  Use a barbeque or patio heater at the Premises, or place any items other than a table and two chairs which are in keeping with the character of the Estate. Without prejudice to the general nature of that restriction, we point out that the following listed items are therefore prohibited: hot tubs, planters, bicycles, push chair or other items, or washing or any furniture on the Balcony (other than the table and two chairs mentioned). You must not fix any aerial or satellite dish on the Premises or the Building, or install cable television or telephone cables.   You must not attempt to climb out of any Balcony (and in the case of an allocated terrace area, climb onto the roof of any adjoining building). You must not attach to, or  place near or against, the perimeter of the Balcony any barrier or screen (including any netting, bamboo or other fencing or any other materials or screens which affects the open nature of the Balcony or visibility to or from it, or the appearance of the Balcony, or the free flow of the air around it).


40.2                  Throw rubbish out of any window of the Premises or from any Balcony shake any mat out of the windows





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40.3                  Not smoke or vape on the Balconies or Communal Areas


41.                Fixing items to walls


You may fix posters, pictures, photographs or ornaments to the walls, ceilings or woodwork of the Premises on the basis it is put up by a competent person. You must repair and make good at the end of the tenancy or pay us reasonable costs of repairing any damage, marks or holes caused by, or as a result of fixings to the Premises.

42.                Washing machines and tumble dryers You cannot make any claim against us for any

compensation for any loss or damage caused as a result

of the washing machine or the tumble dryer (if you have one) breaking down and damaging your belongings. We will however repair and/or replace any washing machine or tumble drier which we have supplied at the Premises save where any such is required as a result of your misuse or damage.


43.                Claims for food in your freezer


You cannot make any claim against us for any compensation for any loss or inconvenience you suffer if the fridge or freezer (if you have either or both of these) breaks down and causes your food to thaw or become unfit to eat. We will however repair and/or replace any fridge or freezer which we have supplied at the Premises save where any such is required as a result of your misuse or damage.


44.                Claims relating to lifts in your building


Where any lift in the Building cannot be used or breaks down, or where any lift stops working, we will attend to the same as soon as possible.   We will also ensure that there is a planned programme of general maintenance for the lift. Where the lift is out of use we will endeavour to ensure an appropriate alternative route to and from the Premises and to make required repairs as soon as reasonably practicable.


45.                Other Claims


Unless it is covered by insurance, you cannot claim against us for compensation for:


a)       any damage our agents, workmen or other staff cause;


b)      a fault in any pipes, staircase or anything in the Premises or Building;


c)      anything which any caretaker in the Building does or does not do;


d)      any inconvenience you suffer when we carry out work to the Premises or the Building (including work to premises next door or buildings we own nearby), such as decorating or carrying out repairs or alterations; or


e)      any effect that the lift has on your TV or other electrical equipment.


46.                Notices


You must give us copies of any notices, documents, proceedings or letters which relate to the Premises as soon as you receive them.


47.                Infestations


During the tenancy Term you must take reasonable measures to keep the Premises free of vermin fleas or parasites. If the Premises become infested because of something you have or have not done, you will have to pay the appropriate costs of putting this right and cleaning any parts of the Premises which are affected.

In any event, you must immediately notify the Landlord and the Managing Agent if the Premises become infested.


48.                Payments made on your behalf


If someone else pays us monies and/or rent on your behalf, we will use this money in relation to this tenancy only. In no circumstances will we use this money to create a new tenancy for any other person. This includes any monies paid by the Lawful Occupiers if paid to us direct.


49.                Lawful Occupiers and Immigration Act 2016


49.1                  To agree that all persons named as a Lawful Occupier must provide a valid passport and visa or work permit to the Landlord or the managing agent prior to taking occupation of the Premises either before or during the Tenancy. To avoid doubt if any person forming the Tenant or the Lawful Occupier fails to comply the Landlord may take any necessary legal action to have the person evicted from the Premises.


49.2                  If any Lawful Occupier changes or the immigration status of any of the Lawful Occupiers changes during the Tenancy you must immediately notify us.


49.3                  You must not permit anyone other than the Lawful Occupier to occupy the Premises without:


a)       the prior consent of the Landlord (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld); and

b)      first having provided evidence to the Landlord of the





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proposed occupier’s right to rent to allow the Landlord to comply with its obligations under the Immigration Act 2014.


50.                Smoking


Not to smoke or vape within the apartment, balconies, communal, amenity or terraces within the Premise and/or the Building.


At the end of the tenancy


51.                Forwarding address


Just before or immediately after the tenancy ends, you must give us your new address so that we can contact you to give you back your Deposit or part of it (this will depend on any charges we have to take from your Deposit because you have, for example, damaged part of the premises). We will not however accept any responsibility for the forwarding of any mail or other items. You agree that we may give that address to any person where we are satisfied that they are a duly authorised official or employee of any process server, enforcement officer, bailiff, local authority, utility provider, debt collection and/or judgment creditor, or their legal adviser or agent.


52.                When the Tenancy ends


52.1                  You must arrange and pay for the Premises to be cleaned to a professional standard. This includes washing or dry cleaning (including ironing and pressing) all linen, bedspreads, blankets,


52.2                  You must repair any damage to the Premises or to our Contents furniture and fittings (including replacing them, if necessary) if you, a member of your household or one of your visitors caused the damage. You must pay us any cost we have to pay to repair any damage or replace any furniture and fittings if you fail to replace or repair anything under this clause.


52.3                  You must repair any wall or other surfaces on which you have hung photographs, pictures, posters and so on.


52.4                  You must leave all our furniture and fittings (as shown in the Inventory) in a good, clean condition (apart from reasonable wear and tear) in the same rooms as they were in when you moved in.


52.5                  You must pay the cost of redecorating any rooms or part of the Premises which you decorated or changed without our written permission.


52.6                  You must arrange for any electricity, gas, water or other service supply meters to be read immediately before the end of the tenancy and pay any outstanding amounts you owe

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